St. Malachy School

Open Doors and Open Arms

2022-2023 School Calendar 

Tues. Aug. 23rd - First Day of School

Mon. Sept. 5th - No School (Labor Day)

Wed. Sept. 14th - 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

Fri. Sept. 23rd - No School (Professional Development Day)

Fri. Sept. 30 - 1st Trimester Progress Reports & Parent Teacher Conferences

Mon. Oct. 10th - No School (Indigenous People’s Day)

Wed. Oct 19th - 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

Fri. Oct. 28th - No School (Professional Development Day)

Wed. Nov. 9th - 2:15 pm Early Dismissal 

Fri. Nov. 11th - No School (Veterans day)

Thurs. Nov. 17th - Family Learning Night #1

Thurs. Nov. 17th - Immunization Van

Fri. Nov. 18th - No School (Professional Development Day)

Fri. Nov. 18th - End of 1st Trimester

Wed. Nov. 23rd - Fri. Nov. 25th - No School (Thanksgiving Break)

Wed. Dec. 7th - 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

Sat. Dec. 10th - Holiday Turkey Distribution

Wed. Dec. 14th - St. Malachy Christmas Program

Fri. Dec 16th- Sneaker Gala Event

Fri. Dec. 16th - Last Day for 2022 (No aftercare this day)

Mon. Dec. 19th - Tue. Jan. 3rd - No School (Christmas Break)

Tues. Jan. 3rd - No School (Professional Development Day)

Wed. Jan. 4th - Classes Resume

Mon. Jan. 16th - No School (Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday)

Wed. Jan 25th  - 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

Thurs. Feb. 16th - 1:30 pm Early Dismissal; 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm Parent/ Teacher Conference

Fri. Feb. 17th- No School (Professional Development Day)

Mon. Feb. 20th - No School (Presidents’ Day)

Wed. Feb. 22nd - 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

Fri. Feb. 28th - St. Malachy Black History Month Program 1pm to 2:30pm

Fri. Mar. 10th - End of 2nd Trimester

Fri. Mar. 17th - No School (Professional Development Day)

Thurs. March 23rd - Family Learning Night #2

Wed. March 29th - 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

Wed. Apr. 5th - Fri. Apr. 14th - No School (Easter Break)

Fri. Apr. 28th - No School (Professional Development Day)l

Fri. May 5th - 3rd Trimester Progress Reports & Parent Teacher Conferences

Wed. May 10th - 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

Fri. May 19th - No School (Professional Development Day)

Mon. May 29th - No School (Memorial Day)

Fri. June 2nd- 8th Grade Prayer Service & Luncheon (12pm dismissal, no aftercare this day)

Wed. June 7th - Kindergarten Graduation

Sat. June 10th - 8th Grade Graduation

Mon, June 12th- 2:15 p.m Early Dismissal

Tues. June 13th- 2:15 p.m Early Dismissal

Wed. June 14th - End of 3rd Trimester, Last Day of Aftercare

Fri June 16th- Last Day of School, Noon Dismissal